A few weeks ago I was watching a Harry Potter movie marathon on ABC Family, reeducating myself in anticipation of checking out the latest flick in the franchise. I haven’t seen it yet, but I have been pondering about a promo for another show I kept seeing.
And it’s something I haven’t admitted to anyone until now. I’ll just come out and say it. They say the first step towards recovering is admitting.
I secretly want to watch "Ruby & The Rockits" that premieres tonight.
It’s a show that seems to essentially be about two brothers who were in a band in the 80’s and now they’re off the radar. A long lost daughter appears and the musical mayhem begins. One brother played by David Cassidy, who is really, really aging very well. The other brother is Patrick Cassidy, so the story is mirroring reality a bit. I’m not a reality show person, but I like the twist the show is employing.
But one of the biggest reasons I want to watch the show: Shaun Cassidy is the executive producer. YES Shaun…AKA JOE HARDY. The first boy who made my tummy feel funny when I saw him.
I distinctly remember discussing this phenomenon with my classmates in the bathroom Monday morning after the Sunday night premier of “The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries” We broke into the “Joe” groupies or “Frank” groupies…who was played by Parker Stevenson.
Ironically, I had wanted to watch the show because I was a HUGE fan of the Nancy Drew mystery books. But after seeing Joe, it was adios Nance. The show at first alternated every week between a Hardy Boys episode and a Nancy Drew episode. We were not thrilled on the nights that Joe & Frank did not grace our screens.

But Joe DID grace my walls. Oh yes he did. That was the beginning of the “Tiger Beat” era of decorating for me. I would save my allowance to get the latest magazine and plaster every bit of wall space with pictures of Shaun. I have to ponder on who he was later joined by, maybe Scott Baio and maybe Jimmy McNichol. YIKES!
And let’s not forget the great Shaun Cassidy music. Yes, I had the albums. “Da Do Ron Ron”, “Hey Deanie”, “That’s Rock & Roll”
Pure magic to a little girl’s heart. Even after all these years.
1 comment:
He also produced a scary series for TV about 12 years ago called American Gothic. Gary Cole played an evil sherrif, which was great. But a year later he played Mike Brady on the Brady Bunch remake. The movie left me on edge because I kept thinking Mr. Brady would morph into the evil sherrif. my point: Mr. Cassidy makes an excellent producer.
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