Monday, March 16, 2009

Seattle PI put to bed

The Seattle PI is no more! Tomorrow, March 17, 2009 will be the last edition. It's so sad, the demise of a paper.

As I mentioned last week, I've only been a Seattle resident for a short time, but anytime a journalistic empire goes under is cause for dismay.

Songs of the Day:

In honor of the PI

"Sunday Papers"-Joe Jackson

"Second Hand News"-Fleetwood Mac

"News of the World"- The Jam

Would you believe that's all I could find??!!


Heath Snow said...

I wonder what they are going to do (if anything) with all the P.I. newsstands spread throughout the city. Is the P.I. even obligated to remove them?

I just hope they don't end up sitting around forever on the sidewalks.

Recovering DJ said...

Thanks for your comment Heath...but is that really ALL you are worried about??