Song of the Day:
"American Girl”- Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
‘Well she was an American girl, raised on promises…
This is a great song to start running, or driving or walking to…. try it and see. It also sounds like a beginning of a movie…It probably is somewhere….
I digress….
When the Gulf War hit in 1990, I was working at WZOQ-92ZOO in Lima, OH. As I was heading to the station one morning…. after laying blurry-eyed on the couch all night watching CNN….it dawned on me what a great country this is and how fortunate I was to be a part of it. Here I was, a single America girl living away from her family, driving alone to speak relatively freely over radio station airwaves.
What a concept. And yet, I don’t think I had ever really thought about it before, the simple things we do every day. Freedoms we take for granted every day.
I've lived all over this country. Different areas have strikingly different values and customs. But it’s all still the good ol’ U. S of A.
I covered many elections over the years, both local and national. And I always voted wherever I lived. People fight for our right to vote and I feel we should honor that. It’s so weird that before today I have never been so nervous and so vested in an election in my entire life.
I was raised in an independent thinking household. I've slowly shifted my views over the last few years from where I originally started. But that is the beauty of it, we’re allowed to. We’re allowed to talk freely, and vote freely not live in fear we'll be persecuted for our beliefs.
Five artists who do a song called “Election Day”
Seriously, all on I-Tunes!
Lyle Lovett
Blaze Foley
The Riots Before
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