Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's the First Post-Finally!

           Song of the Day

        “ A Little Less Conversation a Little More Action” 

          Elvis Presley 

My name is Susan, and I am a Recovering DJ.  

For over 10 years, I made a living turning on a microphone and speaking into it between songs and commercials.  

Doesn’t sound so glamorous when you put it that way eh? 

For a cornucopia of reasons I’ve been attempting to get a blog up for AGES. 

I started this one:  Sleeping Pretty Good in Seattle

But for a myriad of motives, I inexplicably dropped it. 

For the last 18 months or so I’ve been reading books and articles and other blogs on how to blog-

but not actually blogging.   

I am very easily distracted. 

Lots o' Conversation with Li'l Action. 

So why am I a recovering DJ? Well I don't work in radio anymore.

But for me, I have finally admitted  radio is like the love you never really got over.   

I say I am over it.  I tell everyone I am.  

But every once in awhile when I am not paying attention it creeps out.  

The secret devotion lingering in the back cupboard of my cluttered mind.  

This blog is an attempt to fill that void.  To babble and entertain, to ramble and perchance to amuse.   A radio break via blog. 

I have spent many many a day trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life,

and it is time to start doing something, however small, however insignificant.

I’ll pontificate on the latest pop culture that suites ME-the "Blog Runner" the "Former Talent."

The writing is sophomoric and the grammar is atrocious.  But I have seen worse out there in the blogasphere.  

And with that, for now I say Good Day, and May the Good News be Yours."

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